PAL Airlines
EN   | FR
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Summary of Regulations

Our Customer Commitment under the Canadian Air Passenger Protection Regulations

PAL is committed to providing the highest quality of service to all our customers, and we believe it’s important to make our service commitments readily available to you. Below we have outlined the key elements that matter most to you, our valued customer.

If you are denied boarding, your flight is cancelled or delayed for at least two hours, or your baggage is lost or damaged, you may be entitled to certain standards of treatment and compensation under the Air Passenger Protection Regulations for small carriers. For more information about your passenger rights, please contact us or review our tariffs online (Local Domestic Tariff) or visit the Canadian Transportation Agency’s website

Communication if Flight is Interrupted
Delayed or Cancelled Flights
Tarmac Delays
Rebooking and Refunds
Denied Boarding (Overselling of Flights)
Lost or Damaged Baggage
Transportation of Musical Instruments
Seating of Children
Passenger Recourses

If a person’s travel has been disrupted and they believe that the airline did not meet the obligations in its tariff (the contract of transport between the passenger and the airline) or the APPR, they should contact the airline in writing. If the airline does not respond after 30 days or if they are not satisfied with the airline’s response, they can make a complaint to the CTA.