PAL Airlines
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Helping Communities Take Flight!

PAL Airlines prides itself on being a true community ambassador in the markets we serve. Our ongoing generosity is not a company mandate, but an extension of our fantastic workforce wanting to be engaged in the community and be a positive addition to every market we operate in. Each year our company and our group of dedicated employees engage in extensive community sustainability initiatives focused on giving back. It is this unwavering, proactive approach to community involvement that has earned us consistent recognition and multiple awards throughout our markets. Our tireless community involvement over the years has resulted in us becoming a model employer and a true friend to the community.

Some of the ways we give back each year include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Event sponsorship: Whether big or small we sponsor a wide variety of events from high school graduations to corporate functions to sport tournaments. If it’s an event happening in the community chances are we’re involved and engaged!


  • Sports group travel: We’ve earned a positive reputation and developed great relationships over the years with sports associations across our route network. From minor sports to professional teams we make sure the teams arrive on time every time. We regularly offer discounted airfare to these groups to ensure their travel is both affordable and comfortable. We recognize many of these groups fundraise to attend tournaments and events, so we try and make getting there a little bit easier on them.


  • Community betterment donations: PAL Airlines regularly makes cash donations to community betterment programs and initiatives. Most recently we have made significant cash donations to women’s shelters, school lunch programs and local SPCA’s, to name a few.


  • In-kind air travel donations for non-profits: We recognize that many non-profits operate on very limited budgets and yet have such a large positive impact in the community. Our ability to offer in-kind air travel to organizations that need it most allows them to continue on with their mandate of community betterment. On an annual basis we provide in-kind travel to organizations such as Children’s Wish Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society and Heart and Stroke Foundation and many more deserving non-profits.


  • Cargo shipments: Much like with our in-kind air travel donations we regularly make in-kind cargo shipments related to community betterment projects. From shipping wish kid packages to shipping teddy bears at Christmas time and many other great examples, we truly put our resources to use to help those in need.


Moving forward PAL Airlines will continue to work with community stakeholders to ensure the betterment and sustainability of the communities we serve. When PAL Airlines enters a new market the community does not just gain another airline. They gain a true community partner for the long-term. Our compassionate and motivated employee base is always there to lend a helping hand and it has earned us a very positive reputation.

Are you interested in letting PAL Airlines know about an event, charity, or organization that you’d like PAL to consider supporting? Please fill out the form here or request more information by emailing

Sponsorship Form